Friday, September 16, 2011


It's been a wild ride this august! We've been through a family stomach bug, hurricanes, earthquakes, power outages, and flooding. But alas, the Goldman family has survived better for it and happy to say see ya to August!

At a very insane hour this morning, I was woken to Judah kicking me in the ribcage (he slept by my side) and Willow screaming the tooth fairy had made a visit. I rallied as much excitement as I could for her in my half awake haze. "Mommy the tooth fairy left me a huge note, nail polish, coins, and mascara!," Willow screamed. "mascara?, do you mean lip gloss...check again", I said. Then I stopped breathing and hoped I did not just spoil the little fairy illusion I had created the night before. I was sooooo relieved that she did not catch that one.

So at a very early hour of the morning I figured why not make dough. By the time I was ready to drive Judah for school the dough had already risen a bit. Judah asked, "why can't you stop it from growing mumma?". Deep.

Can't stop growth. Can't stop progress. Just enjoy every bit of the wild ride.

I think we all sneak into our kids rooms to watch them peacefully sleep. It's pretty much the only time of the day anyone has a moment to take life in. The changes. The blessings. The sweet face growing before us.

So just like the challah dough, I can't stop my kids from growing. Baby teeth will fall out, voices will change, clothes will be out grown....I hope to just be able to savor the moments when kissing me on the lips and begging to sleep in our bed because of a nightmare is the norm and not the exception.

When everyone is passed out, I have to remind myself to crawl into bed and hug them tight.

1 comment:

  1. i know what you mean. e lost his first tooth too. and just turned 6. and m is questioning the laws of gravity now.
    we just have to cherish what we have.
    good shabbos to you.
