Friday, January 13, 2012

Just Do It!

Being sincerely committed is no easy endeavor.  Commitment is a promise, an oath, a binding contract that should not be taken lightly.  About 3 years ago, I committed myself to making challah every week before Shabbat (5lbs and a bracha, not just a single dough). This commitment isn't always easily done.  I maintain my commitment by never retaining a single extra challah.  If they are given away, like a true "challah fairy" would do, there is no challah in my pantry the next week convincing me not to make a new batch. Today I find myself more pregnant and nauseaus than typical and my motivation is at an all time low.  I could easily "excuse" myself out of making challah.  That's all it takes is one time, one miraculously easy excuse.   I am defined by my every action, good or bad.  As my mom always says "you do it, you own it".  It's the days I find the inner strength to stay committed; be it to challah making, remaining kosher, reading weekly parsha, or going to Shul, that are the true definition of Jess.   My measure of me is more important than any excuse or single persons opinion.  It's so easy to fall off a  derech (path).  The hardest journey is the committed one, yet worth every step and pitfall along the way. Shabbat Shalom.


  1. yesher koach! i tend to fall back on challahs i made in previous weeks and stuck in the freezer. i do give away a loaf from each batch, but that's it. it's hard with working on fridays and everything else going on. plus, we're getting our kitchen remodeled soon so we won't have oven access for a while. anyway, kudos to you for doing it every week! shabbat shalom!

  2. Sorry the last thing I want to come across is preachy. I committed to this, meaning I made a promise to myself and Gd. That's awesome that u even have a chance to make challah. Keep it up! It will only make Shabbat with your family that much more awesome. Shabbat Shalom! Glad to here your sweet daughter is on the mend.
